October is National Bullying Awareness Month.  The elementary guidance counselors have begun their whole class lessons regarding bullying.  Students are given many "tools" and ideas to assist them in making wise choices when a bullying situation occurs.  If you need any additional resources (parents, guardians, educators), please feel free to contact your school's guidance counselor.
During Sept. the elementary guidance counselors have been visiting each classroom, introducing themselves to old/new students, and conducting whole-class lessons.  Most classrooms at this time have already had at least one whole class lesson.   Kindergarteners' first lesson pertained to Skill for Learning-Listening,  grade 1 - Emotional Management-Feelings, grade 2: Problem Solving-Taking Responsibility, grade 3: Skills for Learning-Being Respectful, grade 4:  Empathy-Bullying Prevention, grade 5: Empathy-Bullying Prevention, g
rade 6: ILP's.
All Cranston elementary schools will participate in the "Anti-bullying Program" which counselors are currently preparing to begin.
Most, if not all 6th graders have begun their Academic Goals by now.  Remember it's important to keep track of both goals now (personall/social and academic).   It is necessary to have some type of "artifact" (evidence) to prove that you have been working on your goals. Files are kept in the classrooms.  When you have an artifact to add to your folder be sure to check this off in your booklet in the appropriate section.